Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mecha 1 Lineart

While I haven't had a lot of time to photoshop stuff lately, I do have some old stuff that's been scanned and sitting around on my hard disc in case inspiration happens to strike. That being the case, I suppose I'll post some of them here rather than waiting until I've CG-ed them first (which could take bloody forever XD)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Time for some eye-candy; I figured I could use some practice with colouring in Photoshop. Unfortunately, the highlights were lost in the shrinking process, but I'm not putting up giant-sized originals for all the leeches out there. Still, if you ask really really nicely, I might put up the lineart....or not. HAH!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Big, chunky action men? Not really my thing....

Figure study that went a liiiittle out of control....heh. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Inking homework, round 2!

Hoooookay, this is basically the point where the Chua shoved this at me and said "nah, continue from my example". Amazing what thickening a few lines can do to make the pic stand out more, eh? Now I just gotta finish the damn thing.....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Inking homework, round 1!

After doing character design the next thing I had to do was to work on picture composition. The original pencils were rather messy, and my kabura pen nib was almost completely rusted over when I was about to start on this one >_<" This one was done using a maru pen (I think that's what it's called, anyway) and manga paper, and is essentially the first draft since this week's homework is to tweak this a little....Naturally, some minor details were lost even though it's still pretty big, but that's to be expected when shrinking stuff down *shrugs*


The full version of my current avatar in various places. The Chua tweaked the left gluteus maximus, lowered the chin and added the double eyelids and hair extensions, and I liked the end result so much I ended up using it everywhere ^_^ This post also has the distinction of being the first image I uploaded to blogger without their picasa tool thingamajig....Shrunk down for easier viewing~

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Character Design 01

From me first character design lesson (with help from The Chua, of course).... Although dressed in slightly less revealing clothes now (emphasis on slightly), I still like 'er...Now to think of a *name* for her... Posted by Picasa