Inking homework, round 2!

Hoooookay, this is basically the point where the Chua shoved this at me and said "nah, continue from my example". Amazing what thickening a few lines can do to make the pic stand out more, eh? Now I just gotta finish the damn thing.....
Inking homework, round 1!

After doing character design the next thing I had to do was to work on picture composition. The original pencils were rather messy, and my kabura pen nib was almost completely rusted over when I was about to start on this one >_<" This one was done using a maru pen (I think that's what it's called, anyway) and manga paper, and is essentially the first draft since this week's homework is to tweak this a little....Naturally, some minor details were lost even though it's still pretty big, but that's to be expected when shrinking stuff down *shrugs*

The full version of my current avatar in various places. The Chua tweaked the left gluteus maximus, lowered the chin and added the double eyelids and hair extensions, and I liked the end result so much I ended up using it everywhere ^_^ This post also has the distinction of being the first image I uploaded to blogger without their picasa tool thingamajig....Shrunk down for easier viewing~
Character Design 01

From me first character design lesson (with help from The Chua, of course).... Although dressed in slightly less revealing clothes now (emphasis on slightly), I still like 'er...Now to think of a *name* for her...
Inked sketchy

The inked, photoshop-cleaned version of something I did late last year.... For some reason, the eyes became shinier than they used to, and I never did get around to doing the background, but whaaaatever man =P
Chibi 01

The first scanned piccy I've done. Been a while since I've done this one